4th of July hopes to have the metro open in Tysons 2014
Tysons Metro to Open Before July 4th
The Tysons Metro, Silver line, is not open yet. It’s supposed to eventually get to and past the Dulles International Airport. This will be a great achievement for travelers and commuters in our area. That said, phase 1 – which has it’s last stop Whiele Avenue in Reston, is not completed yet.
It was recently reported by WTOP, a local radio station, that the Silver Line Metro should be open by or before the 4th of July.
The report references a 60-90 review period that MWAA (Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority) will undertake once the contractor who built the metro line hands over the project.
That would be outstanding for the region. Many of the main roadways, such as route 66, are inundated with traffic any day of the week (including weekends). One of the main goals of the Metro creation along the route 267 corridor is to get cards off the roads. None of the 4 Tysons Corner new metro stations have a parking lot or parking garage built within them.
Many having been anxiously awaiting the metro since it’s previous projected completion date of the end of 2013. Lets hope that this report is accurate, and the Dulles Metro Silver Line really does open before the 4th of July.